Friday, January 24, 2020

Stalin Vs. Hitler Essay -- essays research papers

Run to the Top Josef Stalin, a politician from the earliest beginnings of his life, strove to achieve a national sense of power during his reign over the citizens of Russia. Adolf Hitler, however, a born high school dropout somewhat longed for a place in life. He rather fell into his role as a politician, after his brief shortcomings in arts and sciences. These two individuals developed varying ideas to put their controlling minds to work to lead their political parties in the direction of total domination of the state. In the beginning Josef Stalin was a worshiper of his beloved Vladimir Lenin. He followed his every move and did as he said to help establish and lead the Bolshevik party. Much of the early part of his political career was lost due to his exile to Siberia for most of World War I. It wasn’t until 1928, when he assumed complete control of the country were he made most of his success. After Lenin’s death in January 1924, Stalin promoted his own cult followings along with the cult followings of the deceased leader. He took over the majority of the Socialists now, and immediately began to change agriculture and industry. He believed that the Soviet Union was one hundred years behind the West and had to catch up as quickly as possible. First though he had to seal up complete alliance to himself and his cause. Stalin saw a need to sure up the allegiance to him by all who were under him. Therefore, he needed to fight out against those who opposed him. So for the rest of 1924, the Politburo continued to argue about the future of the Soviet economy. The fiercest argument was between Stalin and Trotsky over Trotsky's theory of permanent Revolution. Trotsky thought that Communism could not survive in the USSR alone. He argued that the capitalist countries of the West feared Communism and would try to destroy it. For this reason, he said, it was necessary to spread Communism to the countries of Western Europe and to their overseas colonies. This would be done by giving help to revolutionary groups and parties in Western Europe. Stalin put forward an opposite theory - the theory of Socialism in One Country. He argued that the USSR must always come first in the government's plans. The rest of the world must take second place. The Communists should concentrate on building up the economy of the USSR, not waste money on helping revolutionary groups abroad.... ...t still got over four million. This is the deviant plan which helped Hitler reach is ultimate goal of a complete governing power by himself with no one to question his authority. These two men were very demanding in obtaining what they thought should be the rule of a nation by their own personal control. Stalin and Hitler were very close in the same way that they had an aggressive vigor to force a type of commanding dictatorship into their respective countries. Each had a special army that they put in high regard politically to where they were considered special police agents. These armies were under different orders, but their main objectives were to stop anyone who opposed, or were thought to be in opposition to the head of state. Also, both Stalin and Hitler had ideas to improve the education levels and economic prosperity of their own countries, each trying to put their own at the top of the world in industry and commerce. Although Hitler and Stalin were opposed to each other’s own strategies and political stance on being a world dominator, they were very similar in the way to which they fought for political power. From the Hitler/Stalin book about 1200 page book comparison

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Common Biases and Errors in Decision-Making Process

COMMON BIASES AND ERRORS IN DECISION-MAKING PROCESS In addition to engaging in bounded rationality, an accumulating body of research tells us that decision makers allow systematic biases and errors to creep into their judgments. These come out of attempts to shortcut the decision process. To minimize effort and avoid difficult trade-offs, people tend to rely too heavily on experience, impulses, gut feelings, and convenient aâ‚ ¬? rules of thumb. aâ‚ ¬? In many instances, these shortcuts are helpful. However, they can lead to severe distortions from rationality.The following highlights the most common distortions. Overconfidence Bias:  Itaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s been said that aâ‚ ¬? no problem in judgment and decision making is more prevalent and more potentially catastrophic than overconfidence. aâ‚ ¬? When weaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢re given factual questions and asked to judge the probability that our answers are correct, we tend to be far too optimistic. For instance, studies have fo und that, when people say theyaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢re 65 to 70% confident that theyaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢re right, they were actually correct only about 50% of the time. And when they say theyaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢re 100% sure, they tended to be 70 to 85% correct.From an organizational standpoint, one of the more interesting findings related to overconfidence is that those individuals whose intellectual and interpersonal abilities are weakest are most likely to overestimate their performance and ability. So as mangers and employees become more knowledgeable about an issue, the less likely they are to display overconfidence. Overconfidence is most likely to surface when organizational members are considering issues or problems that are outside their area of expertise. Anchoring Bias:  The anchoring bias is a tendency to fixate on initial information as a starting point.Once set, we then fail to adequately adjust for subsequent information. The anchoring bias occurs because our mind appears to give a d isproportionate amount of emphasis to the first information it receives. So initial impressions, ideas, process, and estimates carry undue weight relative to information received later. Anchors are widely used by professional people such as advertising writers, managers, politicians, real estate agents, and lawyersaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â‚¬ where persuasion skills are important For instance, in a mock jury trial, one set of jurors was asked by the plaintiffaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s attorney to make an award in the range of Rs. million to Rs. 25 million. Another set of jurors was asked for an award in the range of Rs. 25 million to 75 million. Consistent with the anchoring bias, the median awards were Rs. 5 million versus Rs. 25 million in the two conditions. Consider the role of anchoring in negotiations and interviews. Any time a negotiation takes place, so does anchoring. As soon as someone states a number, your ability to objectively ignore that number has been compromised. For instance, when a prosp ective employer asks how much you were making in your prior job, your answer typically anchors the employeraâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s offer.Most of us understand this and upwardly aâ‚ ¬? adjustaâ‚ ¬? our previous salary in the hope that it will encourage our employer to offer us more. Anchoring can distort employment interviews. The initial information you might get interviewing a job candidate is likely to anchor your assessment of the applicant and unduly influence how you interpret information that you obtain later. Confirmation Bias:  The rational decision-making process assumes that we objectively gather information. But we donaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t. We selectively gather information.The information bias represents a specific case of selective perception. We seek out information that reaffirms our past choices, and we discount information that contradicts past judgments. We also tend to accept information at face value that confirms our preconceived views, while being critical and skep tical of information that challenges these views. The information we gather is typically biased toward supporting views we already hold. This confirmation bias influences where we go to collect evidence because we tend to seek out places that are more likely to tell us what we want to hear.It also leads us to give too much weight to supporting information and too little to contradictory information. Availability Bias:  Many more people suffer from fear of flying than fear of driving in a car. The reason is that many people think flying is more dangerous. If flying on a commercial airline was as dangerous as driving, the equivalent of two 747s filled to capacity would have to crash every week, killing all aboard, to match the risk of being killed in a car accident.But the media give a lot more attention to air accidents, so we tend to overstate the risk of flying and understate the risk of driving. This illustrates an example of the availability bias, which is the tendency for peop le to base their judgments on information that is readily available to them. Events that evoke emotions, that are particularly vivid, or that have occurred more recently tend to be more available in our memory. As a result, we tend to be prone to overestimating unlikely events like an airplane crash.The availability bias can also explain why managers, when doing annual performance appraisals, tend to give more weight to recent behaviors of an employee than those behaviors of six or nine months ago. Escalation of Commitment Error:  Another distortion that creeps into decisions in practice is a tendency to escalate commitment when a decision stream represents a series of decisions. Escalation of commitment refers to staying with a decision even when there is clear evidence that itaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s wrong.An example of this is of my friend, who has been dating a woman for about four years. He admitted that things werenaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t going too well in their relationship; he informed m e that he was going to marry the woman. A bit surprised by his decision, I asked him why. He responded: aâ‚ ¬? I have a lot invested in the relationship! aâ‚ ¬? It has been well documented that individuals escalate commitment to a failing course of action when they view themselves as a responsible for the failure. That is they aâ‚ ¬? throw good money after badaâ‚ ¬? o demonstrate that their initial decision wasnaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t wrong and to avoid having to admit they made a mistake. Escalation of commitment is also congruent with evidence that people try to appear consistent in what they say and do. Increasing commitment to previous actions conveys consistency. Escalation of commitment has obvious implications for managerial decisions. Many an organization has suffered large losses because a manager was determined to prove his or her original decision was right by continuing to commit resources to what was a lost cause from the beginning.In addition, consistency is a cha racteristic often associated with effective leaders. So managers, in an effort to appear effective, may be motivated to be consistent when switching to another course of action. In reality, effective managers are those who are able to differentiate between situations in which persistence will pay off and situations in which it will not. http://www. citeman. com/384-common-biases-and-errors-in-decision-making-process. html

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Religion Is A Major Source Of Gender And Sexual Inequality

Religion is a major source of gender and sexual inequality. Religion is important in society as it contributes significantly to social solidarity. However religion can also be regarded as a source of alienation in which people lose the connection with themselves and their fellow humans. Marx believed that religion can also be seen as a contributor to oppression because not only does it encourage meekness and passivity and deflected people from resisting suffering in this world (Van Krieken et al 2014, p.312). The ideas of masculinity and femininity, expectations of women and men, judgments of women s and men s actions, rules about proper male and female behavior applied to children, different treatment between men and women are all ideas†¦show more content†¦Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development states during a child’s age of 2-7 â€Å"speech becomes more social†¦has an intuitive grasp of logical concepts and concepts formed are crude and irreversibleà ¢â‚¬ , which makes a child or children tremendously vulnerable to social perceptions set by the parents who’s perceptions are influenced by their particular religion (Child Development Institute, 1999-2015) Throughout all children’s upbringing social programming is involved. Social programming occurs when parents pass down morals, values and behaviors to they’re children with religion being but not limited to the result of social programming. Taking a child to a certain church consistently will allow that child or children to identify him or herself as a part of that specific religion. With finding their place in religion children develop behaviors, values and morals that their parents have learned in accordance with their gender. Gender inequality is strongly influenced at a young age and is passed down from generations to generations Another factor of gender inequality in the upbringing of children are gender roles. The division of chores at home forces a developing awareness of unfair normative gender stereotypes on children from a dangerously young age. Spain expects equality of all adults, having enshrined legal sanctions against married men who refuse to do housework in 2005 and also the latest